Thursday, April 9, 2009

Found the end of the rainbow.. but therez no pot of gold

My mom always says that people would have been more responsible if there weren’t any mobiles to distract their attentions… in a way she is right, people are always on their mobile phones … while driving, working, running, walking, eating… thank God we cant use mobiles when we are sleeping.. (imagine your sister sleeping in the same room and she is "sleep mobiling"… just like sleep walking :P, scary, isn’t? )

!.. yesterday I received around 10 text messages while I was in my DARBA (my office is more like a closed box coz it doesn’t have any window).. so the text said that there was a beautiful rainbow outside.. it was undoubtedly the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.

… I was thinking about the magical pot, leprechaun's gold when I saw the rainbow. I entered "rainbow" in my brains Search Engine and I received hundreds of results. Havn't you heard the legends??? I m not a single "Point" person as I said earlier.. n I do believe that legends aren't completely false, there is a story behind each legend which could be true…

A lot of legends surround this magical sight. One of them says that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot full of gold coins. If someone finds the end of the rainbow, he can find the pot of gold… but this isn’t as easy as it sounds. As always there is a villain in the way of Hero/Heroine … The Leprechaun… In order to keep their golden treasure safe, leprechauns are said to spend their days scurrying from one end of the rainbow to the next, constantly moving their pot of gold to avoid capture…

Now imagine.. you being at one end while the (DASH) leprechaun is with YOUR pot at the other end,… and when you reach the other end, Leprechaun was quicker in reaching the opposite side before you :P… n when you start going to the other end… … … rainbow disappears :P:P:P ( m sorry I know its not nice to laugh at helpless people but I cant stop myself from enjoying the moment)

On a serious note… ancient people and even until today, people think that the appearance of the rainbow is the sign of the God. Scientifically, the white light of the sun is a mixture of all colors. After rain when the sun's white light rays struck the rain drops, these behave as prisms dividing the white light into different lengths of the waves causing the different colors… I soooo much wish I could explain it exactly like this when I was giving 8th class science exam :P

"According to another legend, if somebody passes underneath the rainbow, it changes sex! Those are men become women, those are women become men!"… now that is funny.. I doubt any sane women would like to be a man :P… specially if she knows a few men…

In Germany, many believed that for forty years before the end of the world, no rainbows would appear. Thus, people were relieved to see a rainbow; as the saying goes: "So the rainbow appear, the world has no fear, until thereafter forty years."… Thank God we are safe for more forty years :P

Again, the point (.).. .. if anyone has ever been the victim of rainbow legends.. do let me knw... i would try looking for Leprechaun too :P... who doesnt want a pot of gold coins :P

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